Upcoming Events Calendar

Bingo Night!

Bingo Night!

Friday 27th September

Doors Opens - 7:00 pm

Game Starts - 7:30 pm


£10 per 6 book Jumbo Bingo

£3 per special ticket game Reserve seat using QR code or at


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A New Term at Pembridge Art Club!

A New Term at Pembridge Art Club!

Our Autumn term is starting on Thursday

19th September from 10.00-12.00noon


The Parish Hall, Bearwood Lane, Pembridge

Come and join us for some arty fun!

Beginners and experienced painters are very welcome at our friendly, professionally tutored classes

All the details on the website www.villageartclubs.co.uk

Drop us an email to villageartclubs@gmail.com

or give Liz a call on 07938 563716 to reserve your place

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Pudding and Pimms

Pudding and Pimms

“Pudding and Pimms”


at Broxwood Court

(by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Allen and Mr Snead-Cox)

Sunday 8th September

from 2.30pm

Where you will have the opportunity

to enjoy the beautiful gardens.

£10 to include delicious puddings

and a glass of Pimms

Booking is essential - https://buytickets.at/pembridgeparochialchurchcouncil/1351783

Ye Olde Steppes

Gill – ianandgillian@googlemail.com 01544 388441

Meryl – merylgriffith@gmail.com 01544329760

Proceeds to Pembridge Church

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Weekly Exercise Class to Support a Healthy Lifestyle

Wednesday 10.00-11.00 Beginners

Wednesday 11.00-12.00 Intermediate

Friday 2.00-3.00 Beginners

Friday 3.00-4.00 Intermediate


(start 4th and 6th September)

Register www.pembridgeparishhall.co.uk

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Fund Raiser for Former Pembridge Pupil

Fund Raiser for Former Pembridge Pupil

23-year-old Sophie Morris was pursuing a successful career in sales and as a part-time

model, appearing at Paris and London Fashion weeks, when in January 2023 her life

changed. She woke with a pain in her foot. After a week she couldn’t put ii on the floor. Her

foot was blue, swollen, cold, and very painful.

After a battery of tests and treatments there was no improvement. Doctors were baffled by

her condition until one made the link with a very rare disease:- Complex Regional Pain

Syndrome ( CRPS). The condition has left Sophie wheelchair bound and in constant pain.

Apart from pain relief and physiotherapy, there is no treatment in the UK for this debilitating


There are treatments abroad which offer hope and claim to have a 98% success rate. The

cost of these varies from £ 35,000 in Italy and $250,000 in the USA. Sophie’s family are fund

raising to enable her to access these treatments and regain her independence.

Her mother, Julie Morris, is organising a Bingo Night at Pembridge Parish Hall on Saturday

20 th July at 6pm. See poster for full details. Proceeds to Sophie’s Go Fund Me appeal.

Kay Ingram

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Fund Raiser for Leominster Meeting Centre- Dementia Matters HERE(fordshire).

Fund Raiser for Leominster Meeting Centre- Dementia Matters HERE(fordshire).

Leominster Meeting Centre provides vital support for those affected by dementia and their

carers. It was one of the first meeting centres to be established in the UK and is used as a

model for others setting up across the country. The success of the meeting centre and

dementia services in Herefordshire more widely owe a lot to Pembridge resident Dr Shirley


She spoke to Portrait of Pembridge last year about the work of Demetia Matters

HERE(fordshire) and you can read our interview here


While Shirley has been successful in obtaining financial support from Government and

charitable donations, the continuing work of the meeting centre relies on fund raising and the

generosity of the public.

Pembridge residents will have the opportunity to support this worthy cause on Saturday 6 th

July at a Cocktail and Music eventing being held at the New Inn. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic

cocktails will be served from 6pm till 8pm. Hereford band Monolith will play from 8pm.

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Six Inches of Soil

Six Inches of Soil



Tony Norman - The Leen (Chair)

Billy Lewis - Boycefield Farm

Chris Price - Moorcourt Farm

Rich Norman - The Leen

Ben Andrews - Broadfield Court

Kate Gatacre - Linley Estate

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Driver Refreshers Day

Driver Refreshers Day

We aim to help you feel safer, more confident and in better control when driving on today's roads, by:

  • updating your knowledge of the rules of the road

  • demonstrating safer driving techniques

  • putting them into practice in your own car, accompanied by a qualified adviser

  • no tests involve

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80th Anniversary of D-Day

80th Anniversary of D-Day

On 6th June 2024 it’ll be 80 years since Allied troops invaded France and began the liberation of Europe. There will be a whole day of events to celebrate this and remember the sacrifices made by the wartime generation, both in combat, and at home.

The poster below sets out the full day’s programme. It will start with a solemn Remembrance service at the War Memorial, including the pupils of Pembridge CE primary School, and the Royal British Legion. It will culminate with an evening of live music and dancing at the Parish Hall, and the lighting of a beacon forming part of a national chain of celebration.

There’ll also be lots of opportunities to eat and drink with the New Inn serving a special fish and chips lunch; a 40s style afternoon tea organised by St Mary’s Church; and in the evening The Beefy Boys will be on hand. Portrait of Pembridge, in conjunction with the Parish Hall, is staging an exhibition on Wartime Pembridge. While not in the front line of bombing raids, life in Pembridge was far from normal between 1939-45.

Over 145 children made Pembridge their temporary home as evacuees. Farmers were under huge pressure to produce more food and subject to severe penalties if they didn’t. Land girls, POWs, and school children all had a role in the “Dig for Victory” campaign to keep Britain fed. We’ll be telling some of their stories.

We’d also like to hear your stories, the roles your family members played. While those who made the ultimate sacrifice are rightly remembered on our War Memorial, many others also served and survived. As part of our exhibition, we want to commemorate them too. Did you have a parent, grandparent, or uncle who served in World War II? If so, please let us take a copy of any photos and a few lines to remember their sacrifices for us. Please email:

portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call 07342 625796.

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Anne O'Brien Talk

Anne O'Brien Talk

This is the title of the talk to be given by Anne O’Brien, Sunday Times Best Selling author, in Pembridge Church at 11 am on Saturday 25th May. The venue has special significance. In 1301 Roger Mortimer married the heiress, Joan de Geneville, at this church.

A Court of Betrayal

Anne’s latest book A Court of Betrayal tells Joan’s story. Married at just 15, Joan is swept up in a world of treacherous court politics and dangerous secrets as her husband deposes Edward II and rules England alongside Queen Isabella.

When Roger is accused of treason, she is robbed of her freedom and must survive catastrophic events in her fight for justice- with her family’s lives hanging in the balance.

What the Critics Say

“O’Brien cleverly intertwines the personal and political in this enjoyable, gripping tale.” – The Times

“The characters are larger than life…and the author a compulsive storyteller” - Sunday Express

“O’Brien’s page-turner vividly brings to life the restriction of women, and the compassion and strength of this real-life figure from medieval times.“ - Woman

The Author

This is Anne’s fifteenth novel and her books have sold close to a million globally. Anne read history at Manchester University before studying Education at Hull University. She taught history in East Yorkshire. She now lives in an eighteenth-century timber-framed cottage in the Welsh Marches. Her special interest and subject of her books is the lives of medieval women, often at pivotal moments in our history.

Pembridge Medieval Weekend

Portrait of Pembridge is thrilled to host this event with the kind permission of the church wardens of St Mary’s Church, Pembridge. It will take place during the Leominster Medieval Society’s Medieval Weekend to include a battle re-enactment, displays, and talks all around Pembridge on 25th/26th May. All events are free and are family-friendly.

Read Anne’s blog “Writing About the Medieval Mortimers”.

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