This year’s appeal will be launched at the Pembridge Parish Hall Coffee Morning on Saturday 19th October. Pembridge & Shobdon Royal British Legion will host the event from 10.30-12 noon.
As well as the usual coffee, cakes, and chat, there will be an opportunity to learn about the work of the RBL in supporting veterans and their families and to contribute to its work by making a donation.
The following Saturday 26th October the RBL will be at the Pembridge Tabletop Sale with a book stall to raise funds for the appeal between 9am and 12 noon. Donations of books are welcome and can be brought to the Hall on the day or contact Kay at or 07342 625796.
A Pembridge woman, Sarah Steer, has been training since January in preparation for a fund-raising walk in aid of St Michael’s Hospice. Sarah is amongst a group of 19 who will tackle the Camino Way from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain, a distance of 93 km (57 miles) over four days in late October.
The Camino Way is a long-established Pilgrim’s route and will feature in the film “The Way” (12) to be shown by Pembridge Film Nights on 24th October. (See Events Calendar)
Looking back at our coverage of events in Pembridge, we’ve had a wonderful summer, starting with the unveiling of the Verdun Oak sculpture, Love to Sing Community Choir, the Medieval Weekend, and D-Day 80 through to the Village Show and Strawberry Fayre.
Dates for your Diary September 2024
Save The Date
In addition to our usual monthly “ Dates for your Diary” here are some events coming up over the next few weeks that you may wish to save the date for:-
Verdun Oak Sculpture Film
The Verdun Oak Project has made a film which tells the story of the Verdun Oak, how a WWI poem by Siegfried Sassoon inspired tree warden,Tony Norman, to resurrect the fallen tree.
The film charts the project from Tony’s initial inspiration, the selection of sculptor Ed Elliott and his representation of a country boy torn from his family to fight on foreign soil and the family he left behind, as did so many Pembridge men.
You can view it here
Irene Causley 1923-2024
We are saddened to report the death of former Pembridge resident Irene (Rene) Causley at the age of 101.
Last year she celebrated her 100th birthday with a visit from the Deputy Lieutenant of Herefordshire and a guard of honour formed by members of Pembridge Royal British Legion. Deputy Lieutenant, Air Commodore Tim Howson, presented Mrs Causley with her wartime medals and a veteran’s pin, at her home in Leominster, watched by members of the Pembridge Royal British Legion who honoured the last surviving World War II veteran of the branch.
Rare Opportunity, Allotments for rent!
Speak to Rosie or Anita as soon as possible to guarantee your plot.
Success at the Strawberry Fayre
Gill and Jacqui would like to thank everyone from our wonderful local community who helped make our Strawberry Fayre such a lovely occasion.
Parish Councillor needed
There are now two vacancies on Pembridge Parish Council following the death of Cllr Andrew Paceand the resignation of Cllr Tom Bennetto who is moving away from the area. Pembridge Parish News said that the passing of Andrew Pace was a great loss to the parish and thanked Tom Bennetto for his service to the community.
Village Show Success
Five years after the last Pembridge Village Show a new show committee was formed to reintroduce this annual event in the Pembridge calendar. The organisers, who chose the Parish Hall as the venue, had no idea how many entries they would attract after this gap, nor how many parishioners would support it on the day. Their planning required a leap of faith.
Pembridge railway station was originally opened by the Leominster & Kington Railway Company (L&KR) formed by several local businessmen and led by the Chairman Lord Bateman of Shobdon Court. Their plans were to link Leominster station on the newly opened Shrewsbury & Hereford Railway to the town of Kington allowing rail access through the Arrow valley. The initial meeting took place at Shobdon Court on 24th October 1853.

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