Irene Causley, 1923 -

Irene Causley, recently celebrated her 100th birthday with a visit from the Deputy Lieutenant of Herefordshire and a guard of honour formed by members of Pembridge Royal British Legion on 29th January 2023.
Mrs Causley, formerly of Parson’s Walk, Pembridge joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in 1941 and served until the end of the war in 1945. She was initially trained as a wireless operator but was later promoted to air traffic controller. She received a commendation for safely bringing in a lost squadron of Lancaster bombers. During her wartime service she shared accommodation and trained with Olympic long jump silver medallist Dorothy Tyler.
She first met her future husband while stationed in Beaulieu, Hampshire. They lost touch but met again in Norwich when she was stationed at RAF Langham. After the end of the war, she took a trip in a Wellington bomber over Berlin and occupied the bomber’s seat which she said was very uncomfortable.
For her 90th birthday she took a helicopter ride from Shobdon over her Pembridge home. Deputy Lieutenant, Air Commodore Tim Howson, presented Mrs Causley with her wartime medals and a veteran’s pin, at her home in Leominster, watched by members of the Pembridge Royal British Legion who honoured the last surviving World War II veteran of the branch.

By Kay Ingram


The End Of The Railway


The Railway In World War Two