Photography and Art Competition
It’s easy to take the beauty of our countryside, and the splendour of our medieval buildings for granted, but you only need to see the reaction of our many visitors to understand that Pembridge is a special place. Add to that the many community events, and vibrant social life of the parish, and it’s fair to say that few other villages can match life in Pembridge.
To celebrate the many aspects of parish life, we are holding a Portrait of Pembridge photography and art exhibition and competition. This will take place at the Parish Hall on Saturday 22nd March. The closing date for entries will be Friday 21st March 2025. Entry forms will be available on our website shortly if you would like one emailed to you, please contact us at
Exhibition of Pembridge Past
The exhibition will include a private collection of late 19th and early 20th century photos of Pembridge. We are grateful to Kenneth Williams for his permission to showcase his extensive collection.
We are inviting others who may have photos or paintings of the Pembridge of yesteryear to allow us to loan them for the exhibition. If you are willing to do so, please contact
A Portrait of Pembridge Present
We hope lots of you will be inspired to enter your favourite snaps and your artwork to create a 360-degree panorama of life in 21st century Pembridge. We will create a digital archive of the entries to leave a legacy to the historians of tomorrow.
Photographic and artwork entries (oils/acrylics/water colours/pen and ink) will be invited in the following categories:-
Pembridge Countryside
Pembridge People
Pembridge Community Events
Pembridge Buildings and Monuments
Kay Ingram