Portrait of Pembridge Blog 15

February 2025

Photography and Art Awards

The first Portrait of Pembridge Photography and Art Awards will take place on 22nd March.

Entries are now invited and will close on 21 March.

 There are classes for both photographs and artwork depicting  historic and contemporary Pembridge life.

A centre piece of the exhibition will be the unique Williams Hill collection of photographs of Pembridge in the early 20th century. 

If you have old photos or postcards of Pembridge and the surrounding countryside do enter them in the competition and help us build up the biggest record of our past. Photos of  or the originals can be submitted. 

We hope to make a record of modern-day  Pembridge  too, so that future generations may see how life in this community has evolved. 

We’ve already seen a lot of amazing photos of our beautiful countryside, and historic buildings.  We know there are many talented artists and photographers out there so do look at the rules and entry form on our website. 


We Need You

Portrait of Pembridge  is looking for volunteers to join our group. Barry Temple- Purcell explains how Portrait came about, what we do and the skills and help we are looking for. You can read his article 


If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. 

 If you  can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you.  Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved

Pembridge Tapestries

To mark the 10th Anniversary of the creation of the Pembridge Tapestries an exhibition of them and sone new additions will be hosted in St Mary’s Church on 8th March.

Local composer Andy Davies has created an evening of music and song performed by residents which will tell the story of the 1,000 years of Pembridge history depicted in the Tapestries .


If you’d like to join the group creating this celebration as a musician, singer or narrator contact andytd73@gmail.com or ianandgillian@googlemail.com

 The  History, Culture and Practice of Droving 

Drovers driving   cattle and sheep from Wales to the markets of the Midlands and South would have been a familiar sight in the Marches up until the 1950s

Brecon Beacons Ambassador  Mark Davis gave a fascinating talk to a packed Parish Hall

The event quickly sold out and we know many of you were disappointed to miss it.

We’ve summarised Mark’s talk on our website. You can read it at 


Happy Birthday Pembridge Footlights

It’s just a year since the first Pembridge Footlights screening of “ This England” took place in the Parish Hall. The National Theatre production, starring Ralph Fiennes as Gareth Southgate, was a stunning success.  It’s  been followed by a cornucopia of artistic delights including stand out performances from the Royal Ballet, Royal Opera and Metropolitan Opera.

The programme for February and March is already packed with world class productions available on our doorstep at the amazing price of £10. 

Pembridge could make a respectable bid to be City of Culture 2025 with concerts organised by the Church to include Remi Harris Hot Club Trio and Pembridge Film Nights starting their new season with “Thelma”(12) at the New Inn. 

For details of these and many other events see


Parish Councillor Appointed

Jo Williams, owner of Bloom & Grind and Issy and Bella Floral Design has been appointed a Parish Councillor following a vacancy arising. 

Speaking to Portrait of Pembridge, Councillor Williams said, “ Having grown up in Pembridge and being part of a family that has lived here for hundreds of years I wanted to be part of making our parish and village the best it can be for now and for future generations.”

Cllr Williams is from Marston, where she lives on her family’s  farm.  As a businesswoman with deep roots in the countryside she  will be a valuable addition to our council. 

For a full list of our Parish Councillors see


Emergency First Aid

Would you know what to do if a family member,  friend, or colleague collapsed? 

 Living in a rural community has many advantages but one big disadvantage is that help can take a long time to come in an emergency. 

According to NHS data average waiting times in England  for a response to a suspected stroke or heart attack have risen to 43 minutes. 

 Help given immediately can significantly alter the outcome. 

The parish now has three defibrillators at:-

                                                              The Parish Hall,

East Street  Car Park,  and 

Broxwood Telephone Box

You can learn how to use one and other potentially lifesaving techniques at the Herefordshire Heartstart Course, 14th March, Pembridge Parish Hall 


Pride in Pembridge 

Starts a new season of sprucing up the village with colourful planting and tidying the verges and open spaces which we all enjoy. 

If you would like to join them volunteers are always welcome. 

Contact Jan Williams who has recently become the secretary of PIPs janetfwilliams@icloud.com

Pembridge CE School PTFA

The PTFA is holding its AGM on 10th March at Pembridge School. 

Parents, grandparents, and friends of the school are welcome to attend and help shape future fund-raising activities. 

The PTFA raised over £3,000 at the end of last year from a BINGO night and the Kington Charity Shop as well as organising many extra-curricular events and activities for the children. 

Spread the Word 

We  are  keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog  and “ Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk

For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website:  www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk

Kay Ingram


Portrait of Pembridge Blog 16


Portrait of Pembridge Blog 14